Articulating the business value of security solutions can be difficult, however with today’s frugal buyer, if you as a solution provider fail to clearly communicate and quantify the value to your prospects, opportunities and revenue will slip. Not having a method to quantify realized value post-sale and your renewals will downgrade or churn and expansion growth will stall.
This is why the team at SPHERE Technology Solutions turned to Genius Drive to help codify the differentiating value story, and create the capability / maturity and financial justification tools to help sellers quantify the business value to frugal executives and buyers. This helped the team develop more consistent value outreach, discovery, engagements and business cases, driving incremental opportunities, reducing stalled deals and improving revenue growth.
- Maturing and validating a financial justification model to help shift from product-led to value-centric
- Developing value messaging and storytelling to engage with executives and buyers beyond product pitches and demos
- Advancing a capability and maturity model and framework for better outreach and early engagement diagnostics discovery and engagement
- Accelerated the customer engagement pivot from a product-focused to a more value-centric approach
- Standardized value story messaging and framework for marketing and sales alignment
- Deployed a capability and maturity model to help with discovery and assessments
- Delivered a more effective ROI model to inspire buyer action and motivate quicker purchase decisions
- Significantly reduced stalled deals and deals lost to “do nothing”