Scale Computing TCO Calculator
Unsure of upgrade costs for modern edge computing?
Use the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator we developed for Scale Computing to examine the savings potential of migration.
Unsure of upgrade costs for modern edge computing?
Use the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator we developed for Scale Computing to examine the savings potential of migration.
How are my value selling, marketing and customer success current practices across the customer lifecycle?
What should my improvement roadmap look like to achieve best impact?
Checkout this Interactive Value Lifecycle Assessment
How do you turbo-charge your lead-generation, elevate engagements and inspire better opportunity pipeline?
This ROI Calculator example for accounting firm K1x, provides quick and credible value benefit estimates for prospects and drives value marketing campaigns and early sales value engagements.
How do you best get prospects to understand their challenges and inspire change?
An interactive capability and maturity assessment can provide marketing, sales and customer success with an engagement asset to do just that.
This example for Plastic Bank and their Sustainability Maturity Assessment tool.
How do you better empower prospects to understand your differentiating value and ROI?
How do you fuel marketing prospect campaigns to attract more executive interest and generate better pipeline opportunities?
This Value Calculator example is for Crisp, to elevate engagements and better attract, educate and inspire executive buyers.
What can accelerating value program maturity and application across the customer lifecycle?
Get the answers for your unique program improvement plans from the Genius Drive Value Enablement Assessment.